Support us

Support us

The fundraising programme offers potential donors the opportunity to support selected projects. These projects may involve providing children with basic treatment, regular monitoring and educational activities that would otherwise be out of their reach. We have a strong focus on health and schooling of disadvantaged children.

As a company or organization, we encourage you to get in touch with us to discuss how we together can work to support a common course. And as a private person you can also make a significant difference in the lives of people within the global value chain with a small contribution to the Choice Foundation.

Choice Foundation welcomes financial contributions in support of our fundraising projects or the foundation in general. Should you wish to make a contribution, you can do so as an individual and as a company. In either case, you should always inform us about your CPR number (for individuals) or CVR number (for companies).

It can be deposited via:
Nordea Bank
Vestergade 64
DK-5000 Odense

Registration no: 2206
Account no: 8968497707
Swift code: NDEADKK

Rules for deduction (for Danish tax payers)

Your contribution to the Choice Foundations fundraising programme is deductible. Upon notification in writing, Choice Foundation automatically forwards information about your contribution to the Danish tax authorities. In 2016 you can get full deduction for gifts up to DKK 15.200, except for purchase of goods (in Danish: velgørende donationer med modydelse / varekøb). There is no lower limit for deductions (in Danish: der er ingen bagatelgrænse for fradraget.)

Once you have deposited your contribution, kindly send a notification mail to Helle Stokkebye Johansen, Chairman, Choice Foundation. For further details please contact Helle Stokkebye Johansen, Chairman, Choice Foundation

Mobile: +45 2051 7730
