Choice Foundation receives a large donation from the founders of Rahbek Fish
Choice Foundation has received a donation of 250.000 DKK from the estate of Ruth and Poul Rahbek Hansen. It is the largest one-off contribution in the history of the foundation.
The estate of Ruth and Poul Rahbek Hansen, the founders of Rahbek Fish in Fredericia, had decided that by their legacy they would support charitable purposes. When Ruth Rahbek Hansen was alive, she followed Choice Foundation’s projects with great interest and would like to support the Foundation’s work. The board of directors are currently looking into, which kind of projects the money should contributes to.
“A donation of this size can make a very significant difference. We are a small foundation, but we have proven that we can create great results for a limited amount of resources. The board of the Foundation is currently in the process of developing a new strategy, so we can’t say what the donation will go to, but the focal point will remain exposed children. I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank the family of Rahbek for the very generous donation, that we will manage with care“, says Helle Stokkebye Johansen, chairman of Choice Foundation.
“When she was alive, my mother followed the Choice Foundation’s projects for ensuring access to health and education for children in the poor fishing communities in Vietnam and she would have liked to support the Foundation’s good purpose“, says the son and administrator of the estate, Lars Rahbek Hansen.
Other donations from the legacy of Ruth and Poul Rahbek Hansen has among other things helped Christmas Seal Foundation homes and homes for veterans.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact Helle Stokkebye Johansen, chairman of the Choice Foundation,, mobile 20517730.